Saturday 12 July 2014

A Fabulous Skincare Staple .....The Body Shop Camomile Silky Cleansing Oil

An oil for your face?? Sounds a bit odd doesn't it. A while back, the thought of rubbing an oil all over my face would have made me run a mile. I always preferred to remove my makeup with a cream cleanser and cotton wool pads. But this has now dramatically changed ..... after a little online Body Shop order!

I've spotted The Silky Camomile Cleansing Oil on so many blogs/ Youtube videos over the last few months, and although the whole 'oil thing' scared me, I thought I would give it a try and see what all the fuss was about.

You get a 200ml bottle of Cleansing Oil for £11 (although I bought it when The Body Shop had a 40% off discount code). There are a ton of different cleansing balms and oils around at the moment, some really expensive, but this one is a really good find. It comes with a pump dispenser, but you do need to be careful when dispensing it, as the consistency is obviously quite runny, so you do have to make sure you don't pump out too much and waste it. When you apply it to the face, the smell is just gorgeous! I'm not even sure what the smell reminds me of, lemons I think! But its a really fresh and pleasant smell.

It does claim to remove eye makeup, (even waterproof mascara) as well as whatever is on your face, but I do still tend to use a separate eye makeup remover  before cleansing, but that's just my personal choice. The way in which I use the oil, is two pumps, rubbed all over the face, and you will see your makeup just kind of melt and slide away from your face. I then rinse it off, and're left with a thoroughly cleansed, soft smooth face. You can also wipe your face clean with a face cloth/muslin cloth, but again, it's just personal choice. It doesn't leave your skin with any sort of oily residue at all, and doesn't make it feel greasy. A little goes a long way, I've been using this for around three weeks, and I've hardly used any at all, so I can see a bottle of this stuff lasting me ages.

If I've had a day/night of wearing more makeup than usual, maybe a night out (when I do tend to slap it on a bit more) then I might follow the cleansing oil with a tiny bit of Body Shop Vitamin E Cream Cleansing Wash, just to make sure every last scrap of makeup is off. I would think that using an oil to remove make up, in the long run will be better for your skin, as it won't dry it out like some cleansing wipes can.
To sum up, this cleansing oil is a great little find, that really does the job well. Another great Body Shop skincare staple!


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